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Ballast Water Record Book


This sample is representative of the titled book. The current edition will always include updated pages. 

Title: Ballast Water Record Book
Complying with: Ballast Water Convention
Content: Tables, Excerpts from BWM Convention, Sample entries and reporting templates
Pages: 64

Record of New Editions

Product-No. Checked / Revised Change of content Remarks Previous edition may be used for entries In force
194-23-2 02.10.2023 Yes Changes in info-part with changed regulations for completion of tables Yes 01.02.2025
194-23-1 15.01.2023 Yes Changes in info-part without changed regulations for completion of tables Yes n. a
194-22-1 01.06.2022 Yes Changes in info-part without changed regulations for completion of tables Yes n. a
194-20-1 15.09.2020 Yes Changes in info-part without changed regulations for completion of tables Yes n. a
194 11.12.2019 Yes Changes in info-part without changed regulations for completion of tables Yes 13.10.2019
